Informed Decision making

Management consulting services to inform your decision-making and expedite the delivery of public investments.

Governance Policies

Provide Clear Direction
How should you direct public investment to maximize its positive impact on our communities? It starts with clearly stating or agreeing to the goals and objectives of public investments. We work with management, boards, and elected officials to translate their vision into policies and actions that deliver an agency’s mission and achieve its vision.

Strategic Plans

Achieve a Better Future
How do you best achieve your organization’s goals? Begin by examining likely outcomes and tradeoffs of alternative investment strategies. Our award-winning team builds strategic plans through local consensus, solid technical analyses, and a “plain-speak” approach to communications. Whether reimagining your business plan, developing a regional transportation plan, or finding the best strategies to improve transit or economic development, we work with key stakeholders to craft solutions unique to your challenges.

Performance Evaluations

Improve through Analytics
Where are you now, and are you on track to meet your targets? The answer to effective management starts with understanding goals, objectives, and current performance. Whether for an agency or an infrastructure project, setting realistic but achievable performance targets and measuring outcomes creates a path to future success. Our professionals help management identify what’s important to measure and how to measure it and develop frameworks to monitor and improve operations continuously.

Project Funding

Leverage Local Funds
How do you pay for critical public services and infrastructure? It begins with understanding the benefits and costs of an infrastructure project or program. Project funding arises from local, state, federal, and private dollars. Many of these sources are discretionary, and competition is fierce. We help our clients identify the best ways to leverage local resources and accelerate project delivery.

Before-and-after studies

Make Informed Decisions
Did your actions or investments have the positive impacts you expected? Setting expectations and quantifying outcomes are essential for continuous quality improvement when achieving cost savings, social impact, mobility improvement, or operational enhancement. Our team members will help your decision-makers understand the local factors that can maximize the return on future investments and improvements.

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